MAD AD (On-stage)



Mediascope’s Mad Ad contest is a contest just like that of its name. In a day and age where we witness advertising and branding at every corner, we turn at, Mad Ad is a competition that provides a platform for you to challenge yourself and regular, used advertising tropes to create and enact your own humorous and relevant advertisement ideas, on select products. This contest will be judged based on your concept, on-stage presentation, creativity, humour, and your advertisement’s overall impact.

 No. of participants: 3-5 per team
 Duration: 60-90 seconds
 Language: English, Hindi, Konkani (Mix of all is allowed)
 Judging Criteria: Concept, on-stage presentation (costume and props), creativity, humour &
overall impact of the advertisement.

The product to be advertised: Dry fish, rubber slippers or air freshener (Any ONE)

Participants have to give a unique USP feature of the product through the ad.
All props needed for the act have to be arranged by the participants.
Participants have to decide on one of the three products, and confirm which product will be advertised at
the time of registration.
Music/jingles/audio files related to the ad should be given to the LCD committee during registration.
Disqualification criteria:
No discrimination towards any gender, caste, political party, religion or race.
No use of foul language or any kind of offensive speech.
The contestants should observe suitable dress code/costume; obscenity will lead to disqualification.
The use of products related to smoking or intoxication are strictly prohibited.
Exceeding the time limit will lead to disqualification.